The Meteo station professional contains the following sensors:
- temperature sensor 1x self-adhesive for surface mount PT1000 4-wire (precision according to DIN EN 60751DIN Kl. B -50 ... +500°C +/- 0,3°C at 0°C)
- Pyranometer horizontal plane pyranometer secondary standard Kipp&Zonen SMP10-V incl. 10 meters connection cable
- Pyranometer module plane pyranometer secondary standard Kipp&Zonen SMP10-V incl. 10 meters connection cable, for module plane mounting (0...90° adjustable)
- 1x anemometer 0.4 … 50m/s, +- 2% FS at 50m/s for windspeed measurement
- Compact all-in-one weather sensor Lufft WS600, ventilated/heated radiation protection for measuring ambient temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed
The connection to the monitoring system is provided in different way in the different versions oft he meteo station professional:
- Meteo Station professional SM: by single mode fiberoptics / ethernet / RS485
- Meteo Station professional MM: by multi mode fiberoptics / ethernet / RS485
- Meteo Station professional essential: by RS485
Meteo station professional features
- weather station “Made in Germany”
- 4m telescopic mast
- wall/ rack mounted outdoor enclosure IP66
- wind-speed/-direction, irradiation-, temperature, humidity, presipitation and air pressure measurement
- allows for detailed energy yield prediction
The Meteo station standard contains the following sensors:
- temperature sensor 1x self-adhesive for surface mount PT1000 4-wire (precision according to DIN EN 60751DIN Kl. B -50 ... +500°C +/- 0,3°C at 0°C)
- 1x ambient temperature sensor Pt1000/Pt100 4-wire
- Pyranometer horizontal plane pyranometer secondary standard Kipp&Zonen SMP10-V incl. 10 meters connection cable
- Pyranometer module plane pyranometer secondary standard Kipp&Zonen SMP10-V incl. 10 meters connection cable, for module plane mounting (0...90° adjustable)
- 1x anemometer 0.4 … 50m/s, +- 2% FS at 50m/s for windspeed measurement
- Compact all-in-one weather sensor Lufft WS600, ventilated/heated radiation protection for measuring ambient temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed
The connection to the monitoring system is provided by two RS485 COM output terminals.
Meteo station standard Features
- weather station “Made in Germany”
- wall/ rack mounted outdoor enclosure IP66
- windspeed-, irradiation- and temperature measurement
- allows for detailed energy yield prediction
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